Tonight, with the help of Flyleaf, I proceeded to get right up in Cory's grill and pretty much rock his face clean off. He'll be able to tell you about it tomorrow...if he recovers.Also, Cory said I better not make a post about how he kissed a drunk girl.
Kissed a drunk girl on the lips.
Just kidding, he didn't really.
DANG IT, I was really hoping that story was gonna be true... I was gonna give him a hefty pat on the back... Oh well, maybe next time...
So it's been nearly a month since this blog's last post. Yet I check it religiously with some glimmer of hope, that there will be a new adventure. Something to brighten my day. Something to show that life on this earth is not meaningless after all. Yet day after day I find nothing... I'm starting to lose hope... maybe this world isn't somewhere I should be after all... please bring back the blog???
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