Friday, September 30, 2005


Sometimes I eat apples. Like, today, I had three. Great, huh?

Oh, yeah, the fruit here is free.

Free Huge Textures

These textures are huge and free and sweet: here.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Cory has posted a picture of himself and apparently has attempted to separate his bloggish psydonym from his real world-dwelling self by denoting a picture of himself as just some "kid". For shame Cory, take pride in your amazing hair!


You think your hair is crazy?
Huh? Well, check this kid out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cory's Laundry Adventure

Cory has never used a dryer before. He claims his mother has always air dried his clothing. I would suspect he was raised amongst the amish if not for his practically uncivilized fascination with zippers and his fancy-pants new laptop.

Laundry Time!

I do laundry. I simply must, otherwise I would wander around. Naked.
I hang my wet shirts. It's what my mother did.

Cory, why do you hang your shirts?
My mom used to hang them. So I do.
You should use the dryer.
Okay, the next time I do laundry, I will dry my shirts.
Right on.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dancing It Up

I was just warning Josiah that his blaring music could cause another totally random dance revolution. But he said, "Oh, no, Cory. We're going to dance!" And suddenly, like a freak tsunami, a myriad of Antioch boys came bursting in. Let's just say it was a fiesta like no other. Three minutes later, everybody vanished.

Dance Party Two - The sequel

After last night's crazy dance party another completely spontaneous and unplanned party erupted this evening in our room. Lights were blinking, people were yelling, music was thumping, and Phil took our clock off the wall. Oh yeah, and Grady accidentally left his pudding in here too...but then he came and got it, so it's all good. Even Cory got into the mix and threw out what was overheard as some "pretty tight moves". When asked how he felt about dwelling in the party room Cory replied,
"to tell you the truth, I am a little bit scared."

CWC - Shock and Amazement

and now it's time for Conversing with Cory

Chris : You have ANOTHER blog?

Josiah : Yes, it's called "My Life with Cory"
Cory : YOU have a blog called My Life with Cory too?

CWJ - Match Man

Josiah is quite careful with his matches. Protective, I should say. Oh my.

And he's quite against Rise Against. He thinks they are Rage Against the Machine rip-offs.

Phoo, say I.

"I'm going to the kitchen, Cory. Can you manage the blog?"
"I fear not because I believe you can manage the blog."

CWC - John Reuben "Doin'"

Upon seeing the John Reuben "Doin'" video :

"What did you think Cory, wasn't that funny?"
" was a giant duck duck goose game"
"but wasn't it funny?"
"yes I was rather curious.."

(sorry about the link - the only version we have is a Real Player version)

Monday, September 26, 2005

CWC - Kerr

and now it's time for Conversing with Cory

"Cory where did you get that poster from"
"Some building named that it?"
"It's crooked Cory"
"No, I'm pretty sure it sounded like Kerrr..."

CWC - Corys Real World

and now it's time for Conversing with Cory

"Are you ready Cory, tomorrow the real world starts Cory, are YOU READY?!"

"I don't believe I've ever actually seen that show"

"No Cory, the ACTUAL real world"