Monday, October 31, 2005

Blog Influences

Last Thursday the Beastie Boys pretty much rocked my lunch time. Basically, Grady showed me some sick dance moves. Let's just say I have much to learn, but it pretty much rocked.

And in recent news, it appears as though The Blog has changed lives. For reals. Dustin Quint of California, inspired by my pictures of straightened hair, decided to try it out. He reports that his friends were a little wierded out, but I say his hair looks sweet. Check this out:



Thursday, October 27, 2005


And now it's time once again for Conversing with Cory...

Cory: I'm going home this weekend.

Me: No, you're not.

"I am."

"No Cory, you're not."

"I am."

"Cory if you go home, I'll beat you."

"No you won't."

"Yes I will"

"No you won't"

"I will Cory."

" you even have a car??"

"Cory...what...wait Cory, I'm not going to beat you home, I'm going to physcially beat you."

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


As seen below, sometimes I like to say things to get a reaction out of Cory.

In other news, Cory is going through assertiveness training. Tonight he almost made a twin cry, it was awesome.

And by cry I mean she kinda laughed and giggled at him.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Josiah, Rosa Parks died.
Good ridance.
Oh, my!

Well, well. It appears we harbor some racism at Antioch. You're just as bad as the bus driver, Josiah. How dare you, how dare you!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Uh, check this out...

Yeah, this girl named Whitney came over and straightened my hair. Crazy, huh? Don't worry, more of this sort to come.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Corys Salsa Fiasco

Let me explain just what happened in the quote from below. Let's just say that at dinner we prepared a bowl full of three kinds of minced peppers...Including the legendary habenero. We left this bowl out as an additive to the regular salsa so that guys could "kick it up a notch" if you will. Cory thought this was a special kinda of quote: "picante". Needless to say, I'm sure you can see where things went from here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


[After consuming Josiah's extremely hot salsa...]
C: Josiah! My mouth is ablaze! And it's all because of you!
J: Cory, don't act like you don't like it.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Cory has recently gone on what I like to call a "Lost Binge". Cory was so into Lost last night that when one of our unwavering heros almost met his doom at the hands of a fragile bridge, Cory screamed. SCREAMED.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Listening to CWJ

"Mail, mail, why isn't the mail here?"
"What are you waiting for?"
"My mail-order Russian bride."

Oh, Josiah. I see a river trip in your future.

The Grapes

This summer was terrible for grapes. I don't ever recall having a single good one. I told Bryan this. Evidentally, Bryan happened upon some good grapes. He informed me via this picture. I thought this a suiting background. Oh, and I enjoy grapes.

Oh wow.


Cory please post a picture of your desktop background RIGHT NOW.

The Smells of Room Three

For those of you who wanted to know, our room smells of apples and cinnamon, courtesy of Glade.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Church Shock!

Today Cory drove us to church. To get to the parking lot he pulled into the turn lane, only the turn lane was actually a lane of oncoming traffic.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cory's first trip on his own

Cory is going to the beach today - without me. Cory wished to begin packing a half hour early at 2:00 pm due to the fact that the beach trip began at 2:30. The call for the trip went out and Cory, who had been living under the impression that it was 1:30 and not 2:30 broke into a cold sweat and began cramming things into his backpack. God speed to you Cory, I hope you make it home ok.

They grow up so fast don't they?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Morning Shocker

Of all the treasures I hold most dear to my heart the one that plows to the top on a whirlwind of nostalgia, casting other treasures to, and also fro, is my original Disney Afternoon soundtrack tape.

The downstairs bathroom has no cd player. It's not something we brag about, just something we accept. The downstairs bathroom does, however, contain a cassette deck. I suppose, even now, you may have an inkling as to what path this story is on. This morning I decided to pop in my beloved cassette tape for my morning washing. After having a particularly nice shower to the theme from Chip N' Dales Rescue Rangers I returned for my morning teeth brushing and found the radio switched from "Tape" to "Tuner". I assumed it must have been someone who had walked in on one of the lame songs on the cassette and, not knowing what they were doing or what fabulous treasure bullet they had dodged in their naivete, switched it to some morning Christian fluff with a 40 year old DJ trying to act like he's 26. I quickly stabbed at the "Tape" button throwing the radio back into its correct mode and proceeded to fast forward through the song "Gummy-Berry Juice" until Andrew (who had previously entered the bathroom) and I were brushing teeth and trying to refrain from dancing about to the theme from "Duck Tales". Then the shadowy, tape-switching villain made his appearance.

It was CORY.

Yes, my illustrious roommate was guilty of switching the tape off (or so it appeared). He requested that the music be switched on account of, "I hate that music". Andrew and I put up quite an eloquent and shattering verbal rebuttal trying to shut Cory down. It was as if we were standing there watching him publicly denounce the Bible. Cory continued to request that we turn off the music until we raised the question, "Cory, have you ever even seen Ducktales?" Cory answered, "no...well maybe once or twice."

My roommate has never watched the Disney Afternoon. Also, my roommate does not enjoy the saxophone wielding rock of the early nineties.

A dark cloud hangs over the room today, a dark, dark cloud indeed.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Portal of Refuse

"The hall smells like a sewer. It smells like we're living in a sewer, and I hate it. And I hate you, Cory. . . Just kidding-keeping you on your toes."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


:: P.O.D.'s "Will You" plays in the background during a group conversation::

"Cory, 'will you love me tomorrow'?"



"yes...i suppose so."

Monday, October 03, 2005

Oh dear.

someone's roommate may or may not have started a Facebook poking war with someone.

also - cory talks to girls on the internet. but you didnt hear that from me.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Cory, our room is filthy! Where did all this filth come from?
I don't know, maybe it came from the bottoms of our shoes?
No, Cory, its your sin! Cory, your sin is making our room filthy, and I will not stand for it! Leave right now and repent.


Today Josiah and I frequented a soccer game today. Beavers versus Huskies. Oregon State spanked them upside the head: one to zero.

The tensicity of the situation was unrivaled. I was virtually chewing my face off. Ouch.

In other news, I heard one could make a pizza out of top raman if he or she so desired. Oh, and noodles can not be that hard to make. Don't underestimate me.

Afternoon SHOCK!

This just in - Cory has neither cooked nor eaten ramen during the entire time of his existance. Ted and I chided him and he fought back with the reasoning "well, if I ever want to I can just use the directions on the back of the package".

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Oh, yeah? I hate to say it, but Alan said he ate five apples. So there.

So, what? Maybe we have a problem. We relish several apples early in the week and find ourselves with little to consume come Friday.

In other news, I purchased a cucumber, four carrots, and a zuchinni. Yumm.

CWC - Camera

and now it's time for Conversing with Cory

Upon doing our nightly check of the
National Geographic webcam -

"I wonder if they [National Geographic] have a guy who's sole purpose it is to navigate the camera?"

Vegetable Tales

Cory enjoys vegetables. Cory purchased an entire bushel of veggies today at Winco. The other day I walked in and Cory was eating a cucumber. Just straight up eating a cucumber. I kid you not.

Cory Robbed Us

What Cory neglects to mention is that he has eaten so much fruit that there is NONE left for anyone else. There's a good chance that fruit will cease being free and prices will skyrocket...all because Cory needed some more fiber in his life.

In other news, Cory and I checked our African watering hole webcam and saw an elephant and two ostriches last night!